THM Walkthrough

NetworkMiner : TryHackMe Walkthrough

TryHackMe Walkthrough: NetworkMiner

NetworkMiner is an open-source traffic sniffer, pcap handler and protocol analyser. Developed and still maintained by Netresec.

The official description;

NetworkMiner is an open source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows (but also works in Linux / Mac OS X / FreeBSD). NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic on the network. NetworkMiner can also parse PCAP files for off-line analysis and to regenerate/reassemble transmitted files and certificates from PCAP files.

NetworkMiner makes it easy to perform advanced Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) by providing extracted artefacts in an intuitive user interface. The way data is presented not only makes the analysis simpler, it also saves valuable time for the analyst or forensic investigator.

NetworkMiner has, since the first release in 2007, become a popular tool among incident response teams as well as law enforcement. NetworkMiner is today used by companies and organizations all over the world.

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Task 2 Introduction to Network Forensics

Question: Read the task above.
Answer: No Answer Needed

Task 3 What is NetworkMiner?

Question: Read the task above.
Answer: No Answer Needed

Task 4 Tool Overview 1

Question: Use mx-3.pcap

What is the total number of frames?
Answer: 460

Question: How many IP addresses use the same MAC address with host
Answer: 2

Question: How many packets were sent from host
Answer: 72

Question: What is the name of the webserver banner under host
Answer: Apache

Question: Use mx-4.pcap

What is the extracted username?
Answer: #B\Administrator

Question: What is the extracted password?
Answer: $NETNTLMv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

Task 5 Tool Overview 2

Question: Use mx-7 pcap

What is the name of the Linux distro mentioned in the file associated with frame 63075? 
Answer: CentOS

Question: What is the header of the page associated with frame 75942?
Answer: Password-Ned AB

Question: What is the source address of the image “ads.bmp.2E5F0FD9.bmp”?

Question: What is the frame number of the possible TLS anomaly?
Answer: 36255

Question: Use mx-9 file

Look at the messages. Which platform sent a password reset email?
Answer: Facebook

Question: What is the email address of Branson Matheson?
Answer: [email protected]

Task 6 Version Differences

Question: Which version can detect duplicate MAC addresses?
Answer: 2.7

Question: Which version can handle frames?
Answer: 1.6

Question: Which version can provide more details on packet details?
Answer: 1.6

Task 7 Exercises

Question: Use case1.pcap

What is the OS name of the host
Answer: Windows – Windows NT 4

Question: Investigate the hosts and
How many data bytes were received from host to host through port 1065?
Answer: 192

Question: Investigate the hosts and
How many data bytes were received from host to host through port 143?
Answer: 20769

Question: What is the sequence number of frame 9?
Answer: 2AD77400

Question: What is the number of the detected “content types”?
Answer: 2

Question: Use case2.pcap
Investigate the files.

What is the USB product’s brand name?
Answer: ASIX

Question: What is the name of the phone model?
Answer: Lumia 535

Question: What is the source IP of the fish image?

Question: What is the password of the “[email protected]”?
Answer: spring2015

Question: What is the DNS Query of frame 62001?

Task 8 Conclusion

Question: Read the task above.
Answer: No Answer Needed

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